
Answers >> Bayinguoleng >> Relationships
  • johngois

    Is this the way to solve the gender imbalance?

    How about a bit of wife sharing? 


    9 years agoin Relationships-All
    Answers(3) Comments(1)
  • fahad

    wouldn't that increase risk of diseases and are they considering women's wish (or that just doesn't matter). More serious issue, what about the effect on the younger generation? wouldn't they grow up thinking cheating is same as sharing... the morals will have no place in future.

    the last part is wrong, just wrong!!!

    9 years ago
  • todds
    That last part worried me greatly. They will add (more) hormones to food? Fook that, I think it is time to leave.
    9 years ago
  • mgbon

    Male Chinese professors live in an academic environment where ideas aren't refined in debate, where nothing they say is ever held up to scrutiny, and where statements don't require rational basis or evidence. The higher their status, the more moronic they become. They are also the only type of professors in the world who don't read.

    Obviously this "idea" (crediting it as being an "idea" is like praising a brain-damaged person because he strung some words together) wouldn't work for obvious psychological reasons. But Chinese people aren't clever or honest enough to rationally think through hypothetical scenarios.

    Legalising prostitution and allowing gay marriage would be sensible. Actually confronting the issue of gender-selective abortions would be a SOLUTION. But China isn't about solutions. It's about Chinese men pretending their opinions are genius. But without intellectualism or academic rigor.


    Imposing indignities on others comes very easily to Chinese people. Obviously what this man is proposing would be outrageously insulting and degrading if imposed upon himself.

    Chinese people simply cannot grasp objective morality. Right and wrong is determined by whether something benefits ME. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes is way too abstract for Chinese people.

    9 years ago
    9 years ago

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