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  • keith

    Introducing Chinese friends to Star Wars...

    I managed to get my hands on Star Wars episodes I-VI, should I start with the Godawful prequals, or the original trilogy?  I have noticed that there is no decent Chinese Sci-Fi.
    9 years agoin Arts & Entertainment-All
    Answers(8) Comments(2)
  • tedanney

    I showed Star Wars to my wife, she loved it, I only showed her the original trilogy, and told her that under no circumstances is she to watch the prequels. She enjoyed the movies original three. Later she tried to watch Phantom Menace, but fell asleep.

    Edited for clarity

    9 years ago
  • christie
    Start with the original 3 first. From my experience Chinese usually like it. The force is based on inner qi so they get the idea behind it. They also seem to respect Yoda which is cool.
    9 years ago
  • allen11
    And with regards to sci fi, several new shows are available to torrent, Dark matter, killjoys, defiance s03 and falling skies s05. Killjoys will be good i suspect, dark matter, only 3 episodes in and the main character is already annoying the fuck outta me, think charlie from revolution if you have ever seen it, if not, then his whiney goodness will become evident pretty soon.
    9 years ago
  • amica
    All i ever saw were the prequels. I thought they were good.
    9 years ago
  • jimmy11
    Start with a new hope, digitally mstered versions as if you start with 1-3 the special effects gap will just ruin the story for 4-6 for them i suspect. The big thing for star wars for me is the expanded universe, i just recently down Loaded every star wars comic for my tablet. Will get busy on the train reading those things!
    9 years ago
  • bema
    My understanding was that the first ever star wars was only released in China last month.
    9 years ago
  • nilson
    Start with a new hope, digitally mstered versions as if you start with 1-3 the special effects gap will just ruin the story for 4-6 for them i suspect. The big thing for star wars for me is the expanded universe, i just recently down Loaded every star wars comic for my tablet. Will get busy on the train reading those things!


    They're are still great stories in the EU. And since the new movies are set post Episode VI, most of the EU stories set in the past won't really effect the new "canon" so you can just pretend it is canon.
    9 years ago


    The expanded universe is no longer considered canon.
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  • weston
    Start with a new hope, digitally mstered versions as if you start with 1-3 the special effects gap will just ruin the story for 4-6 for them i suspect. The big thing for star wars for me is the expanded universe, i just recently down Loaded every star wars comic for my tablet. Will get busy on the train reading those things!
    9 years ago

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